If you lead or are part of an organization, please consider supporting the call to action, or encourage leadership to do so. If you are not affiliated with an organization, you can help by asking your local political leaders, research funders and institutions to support the call to action and by spreading the recommendations.
To support the call to action, please write to cochrane@cochrane.org.
What does supporting the call to action involve?
Supporting the call to action could involve some of the following:
- Allowing your organization’s name to be added to the list of supporters our website
- Promoting through your own communications channels
- Committing to implementing the recommendations in your organization’s work
- Advocating for the recommendations to other organizations in your network
We call on you to join with us and help to build a system that we can all trust, that caters to all users of evidence wherever they are in the world, and that is sufficiently prepared for the next global health emergency.

- View and download the 'Call to Action' - Farsi, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese
- View who is supporting this call to action
- Learn you can help spread the message and show your support