Today marks the official opening of registration for attendance at the second Global Evidence Summit (GES)2024. Organized by the world’s leading organizations in evidence synthesis and evidence-based practice, including Cochrane, JBI, Guidelines International Network (GIN), and The Campbell Collaboration, the summit is set to take place in the historical city of Prague, Czech Republic, from 10 to 13 September 2024, with satellite meetings on 9 September 2024.
The GES is intended as a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural event to exchange ideas about how we best produce, summarise and disseminate evidence to inform policy and practice, and using that evidence to improve people’s lives across the world. The summit will feature plenary keynote speakers, special sessions with panel experts, and traditional conference elements like posters and oral presentations. There will also be a robust social program to make sure there are plenty of opportunities to network and have conversations across sectors, such as health, education, social justice, the environment, and climate change. The programme domains include:
- Sustainable development agenda
- Research integrity & making evidence accessible
- Power of synergy in evidence & synthesis products
- Evidence translation & implementation
- Advocating for greater evidence communication & use of evidence
- From global evidence to local impact

Miloslav Klugar, Chair of the Scientific and Local Organising Committee, extends a warm welcome:
“On behalf of our organising partners, I invite you all to join us for the eagerly anticipated 2nd Global Evidence Summit. You belong at GES! It’s a unique gathering of research and scientists, policymakers and managers but also students, consumers and activities, and patients and caregivers. This is a unique opportunity for people across the globe to get involved in evidence-based practice, with a shared mission to provide a platform to discuss critical issues across different sectors, including health, education, social justice, the environment and climate change.”

Catherine Spencer, Cochrane's CEO, emphasizing the significance of the GES in fostering synergies and knowledge sharing within the global evidence community:
" I encourage the Cochrane Community to take advantage of Early Bird Registration for the 2nd Global Evidence Summit. Your participation will not only enrich your knowledge but also contribute to a global movement towards impactful, evidence-informed decision-making. Let's unite for #GES2024 and contribute to advancing evidence-based practice globally! We look forward to seeing you there!"

Early-bird registration is now open until 13 June. Standard registration is open until 14 August with late/onsite registration available. We also offer discounts to those from low-income economies as well as patients/consumers and students.