Maternity Matters: A new special series of blogs and other resources from Cochrane UK

Throughout August, the Cochrane UK team are running a new special series; ‘Maternity Matters’.

Maternity Matters is series of blogs and other resources, including graphics and podcasts, sharing some of the latest evidence on women's and babies' health, from pregnancy through to the early days after birth. 

The series focuses on NHS priorities on maternity and highlights new Cochrane Reviews or research. The blogs look at risk reduction in pregnancy with new Cochrane Reviews on smoking cessation and vitamin D; on women’s experiences and particular needs in pregnancy after recurrent miscarriage and after stillbirth; on continuity of care; and on managing the third stage of labour.

Professor Catherine Swann (@cjswannPHE), Deputy Director of Maternity and Community at Public Health England, welcomes the series:

See below for a round-up of materials and join in the discussions on Twitter, by following @CochraneUK and using the hashtag #MaternityMatters 



Learn more about Cochrane UK, the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group, the Cochrane Neonatal Group, the Cochrane Children and Families Network and the Cochrane Child Health Field.

Thursday, August 8, 2019