Study centric data analysis and data management in RevMan: methodological background and practical application

Study centric data analysis and data management in RevMan: methodological background and practical application

Study centric data management in RevMan allows review authors to efficiently run the analyses based on the predefined synthesis PICO criteria. This RevMan feature is fully in line with the best methodological practice of determining the scope, review questions, inclusion criteria and groupings for synthesis at the protocol stage (as explained in the Chapters 2, 3 and 9 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, ver. 6.3, 2022).

In this webinar we outlined the methods underpinning study centric data management. We explained how the review authors should plan the details of their analyses early in the development of the protocol and how this would later inform the setting up of analyses in RevMan. We then demonstrated study centric data analysis in RevMan and highlighted the efficiency gains in this approach to running the analyses.

The webinar was aimed at everyone interested in planning and conducting systematic reviews, especially if using RevMan software. It will also be useful for people working in various editorial roles in Cochrane.

Part 1: Planning your review at protocol stage: recent developments in methods
Part 2: How to use study centric data management: a practical showcase
Part 3: Questions and answers

Presenter Bios

Rachel Richardson originally trained and worked as a general manager in the UK National Health Service, and has subsequently worked in health services research for many years. She has experience in various fields including knowledge translation, trial management and systematic reviewing. Her Cochrane experience includes working as an editor and author for the Common Mental Disorders and Wounds groups, and as Network Support Fellow for the Abdomen and Endocrine Network. She currently works as the Methods Support Unit Manager in Cochrane’s Central Executive Team, advising on Cochrane methods.

Rebecka Hall is Product Owner of RevMan in Cochrane. The last two years she has focused on supporting the RevMan team in implementing the new study centric workflow in RevMan to improve how authors manage data in Cochrane reviews. Rebecka studied medical engineering before joining Cochrane in 2017.

Gert van Valkenhoef is Head of IT Infrastructure and Development in Cochrane. He completed a PhD and several years of post-doc research on the intersection of evidence based medicine and software prior to joining Cochrane in 2016. He leads software development and architecture for Cochrane and has a particular interest in streamlining data flows between tools.

Ella Flemyng is Editorial Product Lead in Cochrane. She’s working on delivering change to the format of Cochrane reviews and data to make reviews more streamlined to produce and easier to use, of which moving to study centric data management in RevMan is a key area of. Ella worked in open access STEM publishing before joining Cochrane in 2019. Follow her at @EllaFlemyng

Part 1: Planning your review at protocol stage: recent developments in methods

Part 2: How to use study centric data management: a practical showcase

Part 3: Questions and answers

Additional materials