Evaluating knowledge translation: How do we know we’re making a difference? Part 1: Tools to plan and evaluate your knowledge translation activities

Evaluating knowledge translation - part 1These videos, originally part of the Cochrane Learning Live webinar series, are from a two-part webinar for anyone interested in evaluating the difference you are making by coproducing, disseminating or advocating for Cochrane evidence. The videos will be especially useful for people who have knowledge translation (KT) work that they want to evaluate.

This first session introduces you to simple tools to plan how to evaluate your KT activities. The presenters provide an example of how a Cochrane Group has used analytics to see who they are reaching. 

The webinar was delivered in November 2020 and below you will find the videos from the webinar, together with accompanying slides to download [PDF]. The recording of the second webinar is available here

Part 1: What is evaluation and why is it important
Part 2: How do we know we are making a difference
Part 3: How to use social media analytics to evaluate

Presenter Bios

Karen Head is the Cochrane Knowledge Translation (KT) Project Manager. In her role she aims to support the implementation of KT throughout Cochrane by working with members of the Cochrane Community to build tools and resources for implementing KT; by encouraging the sharing examples of great KT; and by bringing people who are doing KT, together.

Bey-Marrié Schmidt is a researcher based at Cochrane South Africa, South African Medical Research Council. She works on multi-country collaborative projects where she conducts qualitative and quantitative systematic reviews on public health and health systems interventions and contributes to knowledge translation activities. She is currently involved in the Cochrane’s Knowledge Translation Evaluation Support project.

Elena Kostova is the Managing Editor of Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Satellite based at the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Amsterdam UMC. Elena completed a PhD in immunology at Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation in Amsterdam and has a 5 year editorial and publishing experience from industry as well as academia. Knowledge translation and science communication has always been a passion of hers. Elena's main interests include social media, dissemination, and analytics.

Part 1: What is evaluation and why is it important

Part 2: How do we know we are making a difference

Part 3: How to use social media analytics to evaluate

Additional materials

Download the slides from the webinar [PDF]:-

Part 2: How do we know we are making a difference 
Part 3: How to use social media analytics to evaluate