Cochrane Iran: A beacon of reliable health information in the Middle East

Cochrane Iran: A beacon of reliable health information in the Middle East

Cochrane's strength lies in its collaborative, global community. Cochrane Geographic Groups represent Cochrane in their host countries, advocating for the use of Cochrane evidence in health policy and practice, and supporting Cochrane's members and supporters locally. This report provides an overview of the work of Cochrane Iran, dedicated to increasing the use of best evidence to inform healthcare decision-making across Iran, the Middle East, and neighbouring regions. 

Established in 2017 at the National Insititute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD), Cochrane Iran has swiftly become a pivotal part of Cochrane's global network. By aligning with Cochrane's strategy, Cochrane Iran has significantly expanded its membership, growing from 965 members in 2019 to over 2,100 by mid-2024. 

Cochrane Iran

Cochrane Iran has been a leader in providing hands-on learning through 50 in-person and virtual training sessions and contributed in the nine Continuing Medication Education events, furthering professional development in evidence-based healthcare. Cochrane Iran share Cochrane’s recorded online learning events on Aparat, a local video-sharing platform, where the 671 videos have attracted 42,573 views. We co-authored the 4th and 5th editions of the influential book Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, now a reference in national University courses. In collaboration with Iranian universities, we hosted five journal club sessions, promoting critical evaluation of research findings.

"Our mission at Cochrane Iran is to bridge the gap between research and practice by making high-quality evidence accessible and understandable. We believe that informed decision-making can transform healthcare outcomes across the Middle East."

— Dr. Farid Najafi, Director of Cochrane Iran

Cochrane Iran spearheaded the translation of numerous evidence-based resources, including:

Our advocacy and dissemination efforts extended to showcasing Cochrane and Cochrane Iran through 50 events and establishing a robust online presence on multiple platforms including Telegram with 1796 followers, X with 315 followers, Instagram with 1012 followers and LinkedIn with a substantial and growing following of 7287, engaging a large community and promoting evidence-based healthcare practices.

Cochrane Iran actively collaborated with the 10th Iranian National Epidemiology Congress in 2023, featuring a keynote speech by Cochrane CEO Catherine Spencer and leading a thematic panel on adapting WHO guidelines, evidence-based medicine, and Cochrane Iran's achievements. We also this year organised a citizen science challenge on Cochrane Crowd. Participants classified 78,692 records, identifying around 4,000 randomized controlled trials that will aid systematic reviewers worldwide in their research.

Cochrane Iran’s partnership with NIMAD has led to the launch of the Cochrane Evidence Synthesis in the Iranian Primary Health Care System project. This project has included the translation and local adaptation of the Cochrane Evidence Essentials training course, accessible on Iran's Ministry of Health's website, to promote evidence-based decision-making in primary healthcare settings and empower healthcare professionals with essential skills in evidence synthesis.

We supported the launch of the Barpaye  website, provides scientifically evaluated health claims, answering 49 user queries to date. We also sponsor the fact-checking website Factname Salamat, offering evidence-based answers to health-related questions and claims. 

"Through our collaborative efforts and the translation of essential healthcare resources, we are not only empowering healthcare professionals but also engaging the public in critical thinking about their health. This comprehensive approach is key to advancing evidence-based healthcare in Iran and beyond."

— Dr. Bita Mesgarpour, Co-Director of Cochrane Iran

Cochrane Iran remains dedicated to Cochrane’s vision of enhancing evidence-based healthcare quality and fostering collaboration within the research community. Through our continued efforts, we aim to significantly improve health outcomes and support informed decision-making in healthcare practices.

Cochrane Iran invites individuals and organisations to collaborate and support their mission of advancing evidence-based healthcare in the Middle East.  

The first version of this report was published on Cochrane's main website on August 2, 2024.